riparian rap

LRRD at AFS Nashville.

We’re at the annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society(AFS) in Nashville now. Though the depressed economy has attendance down to about 1,500 (half last year’s), we’re having a great time. Our booth, featuring an Emriver Em2, is getting a lot of attention.

Fish biologists are fun. They face huge challenges–aquatic ecosystems are integrators of human impact, and suffer accordingly–but the fisheries scientists and management biologists I’ve known do this hard work with a good attitude.

Cara’s doing a wonderful job, as always, and my wife Kate’s here to help as well, which makes me very happy.

We’ve made many new connections and I’ve reconnected with clients I haven’t seen in years. And we’ve enjoyed talking to the many international students and scientists.

And of course we’ve been mobbed with excited visitors the whole time!