
These instruments are available for our Emriver stream tables:

Wave Maker  •  Tilting Base  •  K500 Flow Controller  •
Dye-Injection System  •  Groundwater System  •  Media-Feeder System

Wave Maker

The Emriver Wave Maker is a mechanical wave maker specifically designed to study coastal geomorphology in our models. A large stepper motor drives an oscillating paddle on a shaft. The wave maker is driven by a microprocessor-based, open source system made for precise control. Users can adjust wave stroke speed, stroke length, and pause between strokes. The controller also tallies run time and wave count. The Wave Maker is designed for ease of use and very long maintenance-free life.

It can simulate a large array of processes, including longshore drift, sediment delivery from river mouths, and, with our color coded media, particle sorting by these processes.

We have wave makers sized for the Em2, Em3, and Em4.

See our blog post for more photos.

Wave Maker

Tilting Base

You can add a tilting base to give you the ability to adjust one or both axes of the table to simulate river processes on a greater variety of landscapes. The tilting base allows rapid changes in river valley slope and flow velocity which expand the capabilities of our models, including the study of sedimentology, delta geomorphology, and tectonic controls on river form.

A single-tilt base allows modification of the slope. A dual-tilt base allows modification of the slope and roll. Tilting is controlled by hand cranks.

Our Em3 and Em4 stream tables are compatible with tilt bases.

Emriver Dual Tilt Bases for Em3 and Em4 Models

K500 Flow Controller

The K500 Digital Flow Controller replaces the Alix controller. With its unique software and digital display, the K500:

  • Provides precise measurement of flow rates from 25 ml/sec to 210 ml/sec
  • Meters and displays current flow rate in milliliters/second
  • Shows accumulated run time and flow in liters
  • Automatically runs hydrographs

The K500 is compatible with the Em2, Em3, and Em4.

K500 Instructions for Em2
K500 Instructions for Em3

Dye-Injection System

Our dye injection system injects two separate colors of dye (commonly blue and green). Dye pulses can be injected at programmed intervals using the controller, or manually by pushing buttons.

Dye pulses allow for effective visualizations of water movement in the model, and also show relative depth of flow. Dye allows both flow patterns and velocity to be visualized. Use of dye is also greatly enhances the utility of photo and video documentation. The programmable controller allows for precise injection intervals that are very useful in time lapse photography.

We make dye injectors for the Em2, Em3, and Em4.

Dye Injector

Groundwater System

The groundwater system allows for injection and extraction of subsurface flow from the model, making possible a wide array of experiments and demonstrations. A small pump supplies a spray bar at the upstream end of the table to produce groundwater flow. Extraction filters are installed at the downstream end of the table. The extraction filters connect to tubes that empty into the reservoir. The extraction tubes have valves allowing the user to increase, decrease, or turn off groundwater extraction.

The groundwater system produces parallel and uniform groundwater flow lines in the model; without it, flow must diverge from the upstream supply and converge to reach the downstream standpipe outlet. This system also allows groundwater and channel flow to be known and precisely partitioned, facilitating research on groundwater/surface water interactions.

The groundwater system is compatible with the Em3 and Em4.

Ground Water

Media-Feeder System

The media feeders are sophisticated, computer-controlled cone valve feeders to precisely add media to the model’s inflow and provide the opportunity to simulate more landscapes and the impacts of disturbances on the stream system. The media feeders can have one to four hoppers depending on inputs desired. Multiple hoppers allow input of various sediment sizes into the system. A single hopper can be used with either the mixed color-coded media, or the non-coded media.

Media feeders allow manipulation of sediment supply to the system. If a state of equilibrium is desired, rate can be manipulated so sediment “in” is equal to sediment “out” of the stream system. The user may be interested in viewing the impacts of large erosion events upstream and how stream characteristics will change.

A media feeder system is most commonly paired with an Em3 or Em4.

Media Feeder for Mail Chimp