Emriver Em4 coded media and CRP updates.

Emriver Em4 coded media and CRP updates.

Draft, delta building and stratigraphy, Emriver Em4 model. from Steve Gough on Vimeo. We are moving fast with our Em4 work, partly in preparation for GSA in Minneapolis, where I’ll be giving a talk about use of color coded by size (CCS) media and also Close...

Goodbye and good luck to Lily Hwang!

Goodbye and good luck to Lily Hwang!

After over three years of invaluable service, ecohydrologist Lily Hwang left Little River Research & Design last month to pursue a PhD in Environmental Engineering at the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan.We miss her so much already! We know with...

Fluvial Photography at LRRD

Fluvial Photography at LRRD

Alee teaches Lily to use the GigaPan Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been testing out our new GigaPan Epic Pro system, which is a robot that guides a camera to take nearly perfect panoramic pictures.  The GigaPan software stitches the photos together, and you...

GSA Denver summary:  We had a blast!

GSA Denver summary: We had a blast!

We had a marvelous time at GSA–everybody worked so hard; thanks to my wife Kate, to Lily and Meriam, and also to Andrew Podoll, a treasured collaborator; here you see the entire crew. I really enjoyed watching Lily work with kids who dropped by.  She has so many...

A strong first in experimental fluvial geomorphology.

A strong first in experimental fluvial geomorphology.

I’m happy to report we’ve made high quality 3D measurements of channel form in our Em4 model using close range photogrammetry (CRP) in Ana Londono’s lab at the Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at St. Louis University. Working with one of our...