The New York Times falls down on this flood.

The New York Times falls down on this flood.

As this historic flood moves through the Middle and Lower Mississippi Valley the paper of record gives us articles like this, here with my annotations. Nothing about why this flood happened, no history, no science, no informed analysis. Nothing that might prevent the...

Bigger, stronger levees are not the answer.

Bigger, stronger levees are not the answer.

Thanks to Jon Remo for this guest post. As the Mississippi River Flood of 2011 reaches the Gulf of Mexico much attention has been paid to the system of levees, floodwalls, flood retention dams and floodways constructed under the Mississippi River and Tributaries...

Birds Point flood coverage, blowing a fuse.

Birds Point flood coverage, blowing a fuse.

Today the receding Mississippi and Big Muddy River let me drive to work without a long detour.  My neighbors are filling demolition dumpsters with flood damaged stuff. Flooding causes terrible human suffering and reporters rightly cover that.  Compelling stories, but...

Floodways are for floods.

Floodways are for floods.

Check out this NASA image from today and consider whether blowing up the Birds Point Levee might lower record flood elevations at places other than Cairo. Only one major outlet I know of, the Wall Street Journal, got the Birds Point story right today, by mentioning...

Birds Point myths, and shame on the New York Times

Birds Point myths, and shame on the New York Times

Late last night the Army Corps of Engineers (COE) blew a hole in the Birds Point levee breaking windows (according to NPR) in a building where people living in the Birds Point – New Madrid Floodway had gathered to commiserate. Press coverage is terrible. Today a New...