Just as I finish a post on bad media coverage, the New York Times jumps in with a sad, example. Nothing against Mr. Bennett. But he knows about flooding. From the article: After growing up in the spillway,[sic, floodway] Mr. Allred left, working many jobs before...
Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway operation, from undated Mississippi River Commission report. Today I interviewed Jonathan Remo, a geoscientist at SIU-Carbondale. He and colleague Nicholas Pinter are accomplished experts on big river flooding and flood control...
Sandbagging in Cairo, 1937 UPDATE: Excellent post on this issue by TNC Scientist Jeff Opperman. I’m interviewing a couple of people and will follow up later today (May 2).As promised, here are the best links I can find for news on the lower Mississippi...
I’m always surprised how few geomorph types know the Current River in the Missouri Ozarks. Kate and I are finishing a short working trip there. This photo shows me with a project I designed in 1994 at Big Spring. This National Park Service site has a rich...
I’m pretty sure our work with plastic media will never end. I’ll be 90 years old and still messing with the vagaries of color, cost, shape, density, and size. Though we’ve talked to a lot of sedimentologists, it just now occurred to me that...