October bonfire.

October bonfire.

Karen Renzaglia hosted another great harvest party with a visible-from-outer-space bonfire (last year’s). Here she is. Kate and I designed and launched a nice little fire raft onto the pond. We all had fun paddling out in the dark to replenish it. The West...

Bike friendly Carbondale.

Bike friendly Carbondale.

The post-atrial-fibrillation-scare Steve is serious about exercise. Between running all our errands on bikes Saturday, and some serious road biking today, I put in 65 miles over the long weekend. Feels great. Kate and I love to ride, especially on these gorgeous...

Mississippi levees on a bicycle.

Mississippi levees on a bicycle.

We’ve had some beautiful clear, dry-air mornings here the past few days–which is why you’re seeing all those spectacular blue-sky aerials of the Mississippi flooding in the news. Kate had the great idea of heading over to the Mississippi levee roads...

Bicycles are good for you.

Bicycles are good for you.

And Carbondale in the spring is a wonderful place to ride. I don’t mind saying the stress of running this business has been intense, and I went to work today in a black mood. Most of this stress comes from our good fortune. You’re not supposed to complain....

95 mpg in Carbondale.

95 mpg in Carbondale.

Kate and I love living in Carbondale. So many good things in such a small town. We took our scooters to the farmer’s market Saturday morning. I’ve got a Stella, an Indian-made copy of an early 1970’s Vespa, with an updated engine. Kate has a Honda...