Lily and I’ve been kicking around different ways to digitally sense flow for the last week, including making our own little propeller/turbine sensor. Today as we cranked on finishing a proposal we’re working on with NCED and Winona State, I glanced at a...
A big day. Lily hooked up her first electronic circuit, and hacked some microprocessor code. My work was interrupted by exclamations of “YES!” and “COOL!” from the lab. Lab sounds I like to hear. Lily has strong skills in biology, chemistry,...
The top photo shows a little windmill at which I’ve been tilting. We’re working on what I hope will be (just like the 1969 version I once owned) the VW Beetle of stream tables. A practical, dependable, scientifically robust, open source, and economical...
After quite a few weeks of work we managed today to hack thoughtfully meld a bunch of code and electronics to produce a device that can do three things: 1. Control a 12-volt pump’s speed and flow output, and 2. precisely measure that output in ml/second, 3. ...
Here you can see the first operational version of a small Arduino-based flow meter we’ve built based on an open source design. Parts cost is roughly $75. Compare that with at least $600 for similar commercial models. And this one can be built from easily...