Today the receding Mississippi and Big Muddy River let me drive to work without a long detour. My neighbors are filling demolition dumpsters with flood damaged stuff. Flooding causes terrible human suffering and reporters rightly cover that. Compelling stories, but...
We’re about to see the biggest Lower Mississippi flood in history. Parts of Memphis are being evacuated, and the Mississipi Delta may be in for the worst it’s ever seen. Terrorists who could never match these floods dominate the front page. Tornadoes,...
The Cape Girardeau-based Southeast Missourian has done a good job during this flood, and today published a news article mentioning flood easements. But it should have been on the Op-Ed page. While acknowledging the 80-year old history and controversy over compensating...
Late last night the Army Corps of Engineers (COE) blew a hole in the Birds Point levee breaking windows (according to NPR) in a building where people living in the Birds Point – New Madrid Floodway had gathered to commiserate. Press coverage is terrible. Today a New...
Just as I finish a post on bad media coverage, the New York Times jumps in with a sad, example. Nothing against Mr. Bennett. But he knows about flooding. From the article: After growing up in the spillway,[sic, floodway] Mr. Allred left, working many jobs before...