Thermoplastic sedimentology.

Thermoplastic sedimentology.

I’m pretty sure our work with plastic media will never end. I’ll be 90 years old and still messing with the vagaries of color, cost, shape, density, and size. Though we’ve talked to a lot of sedimentologists, it just now occurred to me that...

Upgraded to a status of cancelled.

Upgraded to a status of cancelled.

I needed to use the LRRD dry erase board for something important yesterday, and so wiped off my collection of funny things I didn’t want to forget. Now they’ll reside forever on the internets. Eelvation. What 17 of our river cross section charts in a...

October bonfire.

October bonfire.

Karen Renzaglia hosted another great harvest party with a visible-from-outer-space bonfire (last year’s). Here she is. Kate and I designed and launched a nice little fire raft onto the pond. We all had fun paddling out in the dark to replenish it. The West...

1000 miles.

1000 miles.

All done, 1,000 miles in 90 days since my artrial fibrilation event. Just 11.1 miles per day, not that big a deal. Now all I have to do is lose 20 pounds. Thanks to Kate for the photo.

Frog sounds are happy sounds.

Frog sounds are happy sounds.

After years of woeful ignorance about those sounds coming from trees at night I ordered this little book/CD. I challenge you to get one for yourself, listen to the CD, and not forget about the sorry state of our politics, economy, etc. What great sounds. Some take me...