riparian rap

Watermelons and mohawk hairdos.

Between the flu bug I brought back from Winona, which laid me out all last weekend, and having to jump from that to finish a huge report for our Detroit stream work, I haven’t had much time or inclination to post here. It was a tough week.

We made great progress on the Em4 and our size-coded media this week, but just a few personal things for now:

Jesse and I stopped in Champaign on our way back from Winona and visited my best friends. Here’s part of the family–Harold Allston and his son Langston. I was their next door neighbor on Healey Street there for eight years, and watched little Langey grow up, babysitting him now and then. I can’t imagine a cooler, kinder 16 year old, and he’s smart, handsome, and quietly confident, too. Yep, that’s a mohawk, and he’s cool enough to carry it off just fine.

We found out JaJa the wonder dog likes watermelon, and it’s a real hoot to watch him eat it.

Kate and I did 30 miles this morning, stopping to visit Devin and Cara’s amazing garden, which has the biggest sunflowers I’ve ever seen.