riparian rap

LRRD week in review.

Cara and I have been grinding away on a geomorphic/wetland analysis of a little creek west of Detroit. My caffeineless existence has made this a tough one. That coffee kept me going through the hours of analysis and writing.

Jesse’s taking a well-deserved vacation, riding his 1974 BMW motorcycle to a big rally in Ohio. Dayna’s been very busy sending out DVD’s to points around the globe.

We’re in the process of shipping several Emriver models; the dock is crowded.

The Em4’s articulation system is nearly done in St. Louis, and we’re very excited. We should have it in our lab late this week.

Here’s a nice satellite image from NASA’s MODIS Rapid Reponse system, from an extensive online gallery.

I’ve ridden my bike over 400 miles this month, more than the length of Lake Michigan. Only 50 more days until I can have a beer.