riparian rap

Museums, grant writing, record rainfall in St. Louis.

We’re super busy these days–Cara and I are mostly working on resubmitting an NSF grant due in early January. We have collaborators at SIUC and a few other universities. This photo is typical–it’s such hard work, and has consumed many of my Sundays.

The NY Times ran this article about hands-on museum exhibits today. We’re confident one of our Em4s will soon find a place in a museum, and one of Stephanie’s jobs is to work on that.

I’m no expert, but it seems that the massive tornado warnings throughout Missouri and Illinois were unprecedented for late December. We saw a 30 degree drop in temperature last night as the squall line, which was not that violent here, came through. Many rivers in northern Missouri and Illinois are flooding, and at least one gage in St. Louis recorded 1.5 inches in an hour yesterday afternoon. As I noted back in October, St. Louis was then near its annual record rainfall. As of today, the Lambert Airport gage has recorded 57.96 inches for 2008, which appears to be a record (I can’t find the official record), and is three inches more than St. Louis saw in 1993.