Watch our new video of the Emflume1

Watch our new video of the Emflume1

Check out our new video on the revolutionary, turnkey, desktop Emflume1. We introduced the Emflume1 in 2013 and it is now in use around the world, helping students in engineering, geosciences, and fisheries learn fluid mechanics with hands-on experience in the lab....

Em2 Owner Receives Environmental Excellence Award

Em2 Owner Receives Environmental Excellence Award

Vermont’s Ottauquechee Natural Resources Conservation District was a recipient of the 2015 Vermont Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence for their River Road Show, a traveling educational display that uses the Emriver Em2 model to demonstrate how rivers and...

Watch our new video of the Emflume1

Em2 Installed at Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History

               Little River is proud to have an Em2 model at the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History in Japan. A big thanks to Akiyo and Go Matsumoto who represented Little River during the dedication ceremony and demonstration in July. Akiyo speaks on...

Our GOP serves the rich, not small businesses.

Our GOP serves the rich, not small businesses.

In just the last week, we’ve lost over $9,000 in sales because of the sequester threat. Our GOP has become a party of the rich only.  Dealing in manufactured disasters designed to make sure the richest of the rich get more so. Nobel laureate Paul Krugman...

Watch our new video of the Emflume1

Up for air at GSA 2012.

LRRD goes to GSA 2012 from Steve Gough on Vimeo. Years ago I was dumped into big whitewater on the New River, and came up four times for air, getting nothing but foam. Fifth time up I got air.  Same good feeling I have now about LRRD. Five years ago I took LRRD from a...