We have a space opening up on our team! Please share this post and encourage your qualified friends to apply! Job Announcement – Electronics and System Tech Seeking Part-time Electronics and Production Assistant to support river model manufacturing Emriver, Inc....
We’ve been too busy to blog. Why? Growing, busy, crazy. A snapshot: Beth Fisher’s joined us in a planning/management role, Anna’s her old self, Meriam remains our amazing business director; Keisha Lurhsen’s working in the shop and office;...
Anna in the lab with an Emflume1 prototype, showing her usual upbeat attitude! We’re thrilled to announce that Anna Durrett joined Little River as Research Assistant this spring. She’s jumped into her work with enthusiasm and grace, and she has...
[Editor’s note: Business Director Meriam Lahlou translated this post into Italian.] We shipped our first Emriver model to Italy last week—an Em2 is on its way to the engineering department at the University of Trento, where it will be used to teach civil and...
After over three years of invaluable service, ecohydrologist Lily Hwang left Little River Research & Design last month to pursue a PhD in Environmental Engineering at the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan.We miss her so much already! We know with...